Today we picked up the goats and brought them home. So far we have 4 does, of various ages. We had a livestock trailer lined up, but it fell through. What do you do if you don’t have a livestock trailer, and it’s too cold for little goats to be in the open air on the highway? Of course, you call your mom and ask if you can put goats in the back of her Luxury SUV. You could tell she was nervous, even though she told me yes. First we went near Macomb, Illinois and picked up 2 adorable doelings. We had expected to buy 4. We came straight home and got in touch with another farm in Orion, Illinois. We dropped our 2 new friends in their home, and headed on to farm number 2. Here we found a 2 week old baby and mother duo. Both of my kids argued over who got to hold the baby and how long it had been in the other’s care. This sweet baby is still a little jumpy, and Lilly my 7 year old daughter couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t come to her. She just fell in love with her. Ps fainting goats don’t faint as easy as is shown. So far, Double Stuff is the only one that has “fainted”.